1. My pleasure! actually,my blog was withdrawn by wordpress for want of domain fee.Since i have paid this money,my blog is now restored and there is no problem by other fans.

        Try it again and in case you still face problem, write to me about it and i will take it up with wordpress.com.

        Le gusta a 2 personas

  1. Hello Sir! Good afternoon!
    I just had a chat with wordpress.com about the problem you are facing to open my blog-ravisingh.blog. They are asking- what kind of problem you are facing when u open my site.Are you receiving any error message?
    Pl reply to me to enable me sort out this problem.

    Le gusta a 2 personas

  2. I think I have now read all your posts…and w/ relish (LOL). Unfortunately, I am a terrible cook, who must live vicariously. You, on the other hand, have generously — and almost single-handedly — raised my Google profile w/ your many «likes» on my blog. I am glad our paths have crossed. 🙂

    Le gusta a 3 personas

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